About NEED Inc.

About NEEDinc

`NEEDinc is an international communication organization that teaches people to communicate their ideas in ways that make sense! We believe that there is no substitute for good, clear communication between people of different cultures, different regions of the world, and different generations.

When it comes to the Christian faith, we want Christians to be able to express their faith in ways that are more accessible to those who have very little familiarity or comprehension of the Christian religion.

Being a Christian in a postChristian society is no simple task. If you find it difficult to relate to “normal” people in your everyday life, maybe we can help. We want your faith to make sense to you and to everyone around you.

Ways we can help:

emPulse– A weekly mind-bender that will stop you dead in your tracks and make you think. Click here to sign up and receive it by email.

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Confidential Counseling- Sometimes issues arise that should really be addressed on a one-on-one basis. We offer individual, private consulting as part of our comprehensive ministry to you and anyone around you– Christian or otherwise.

Consulting Services- If more individual help is required we can work with you, or a smaller group of leaders, in a more focused manner.

Training Courses- We tailor make our training courses to fit your particular situation.

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